Oro Valley, AZ


Oro Valley, AZ Sign Up

OPEN HOUSE - Halloween and Hats! With Rowdy Society Studios REGISTRATION STRONGLY ENCOURAGED

Oro Valley, AZSign Up




Sat 3PM - 6PM
Sat 3PM - 6PM
Seats Booked: 0
Seats Remaining: 24
Join us for a special DIY workshop with our friends from Rowdy Society Studios! In addition to creating a personalized wood project from our gallery, you will get to create your own one-of-a-kind trucker hat! We provide all the materials and instruct you step-by-step. You can choose from a variety of stain and paint colors! This workshop includes an added fee for the hat. PRE REGISTER FOR BEST SELECTION OF WOOD PROJECT. OR CHOOSE FROM LIMITED OPTIONS THE DAY OF EVENT. MUST PURCHASE BOTH THE WOOD & HAT PROJECTS.
IT'S A PARTY! Lite Bites & drinks provided! Create a wood project & a one-of-a-kind hat! Each hat is designed to make a statement & showcase your distinct style! MUST COMPLETE BOTH PROJECTS.
Pre-registration is required for each person, please click here to review all of our policies including those pertaining to cancellations.

Projects with this symbol have optional upgrades
Projects with this symbol have additional fees due to national labor and material price increases

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