New Year, Home Refresh!
January is here, bringing a new calendar year with it! Whether you’re missing Christmas or already halfway through your New Year’s to-do list, it’s just about time for a fresh start. But taking down Christmas decorations doesn’t have to leave your home without joy!
Tidying up can be tedious, but with the right decorations and tools at hand, anything is possible. Board & Brush has many options that will inspire you to start your new year off on the right foot.

Functional Storage
Keeping things tidy without hiding away all your useful supplies and gear makes for a unique challenge! Our favorite way to declutter is to “hide” things in plain sight – through the use of crates, boxes, and coat racks that match your existing home décor. Simple hanging coat racks can keep backpacks, jackets, and winter gear organized neatly near the door for easy access. Crates and boxes will make cleanup and storage a breeze!

Spring Cleaning
With a new year comes the chance for a fresh start – and what better way to kick off a new beginning than with a clean home? It might be a chore, but beautiful home decorations and tools will make the task more rewarding. A crate to store your cleaning supplies will help spruce up the work, and décor in the laundry room can bring some joy to even the folding and tidying.

Seasonal Transitions
As the seasons change and the holidays come and go, switching out décor becomes part of the norm. Board & Brush has many year-round and seasonal projects fit for every home! Celebrate the snowy weather, upcoming winter holidays like Valentine’s Day, or make something unique to represent your family. You’ll barely even notice the missing holiday décor!

Ready for some DIY?
We hope that your new year is off to a great start and your winter home refresh comes along smoothly. While all of the parties and celebrating from the holidays may have officially died down, that doesn’t mean you can’t still find reason to gather with friends and family! A Board & Brush workshop is a creative way to bring everyone together this winter. Check for available workshops at a studio near you!
If staying in is more your thing, contact your local studio about @HOME KIT do-it-yourself projects. Project kits supply everything you need to make the project of your choice from our wide variety of options, all in the comfort of your own home.
No matter where you’re at on your new year’s checklist, Board & Brush wishes you a happy new year filled with enough signs and suds to last all year!